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Greenery decreased by 50% in UK cities: asked for tax exemption

Greenery is disappearing in UK cities. So pollution is increasing and cities are getting hotter. To keep the environment of the city right, now the municipal corporations of Britain should give tax exemption to the people. Their water bill should also be reduced. Scientists have suggested that UK cities could reduce summer heat if they offered tax breaks for people to keep their home gardens green, after a new University of Sheffield study found.


Also Read more: Keep your house cool without AC.

Planting plastic grass has become a trend in the UK

Planting plastic grass has become a trend in the UK. People are putting tiles on the vacant places. Due to this the open land is ending and ground water recharge is also not happening. It has been said in the report that people will have to remove plastic grass sheets from their homes and grow natural grass. Unnecessary tiles will also have to be removed on vacant lands. This will increase the amount of oxygen in the city.

The percentage of greenery in a given street was calculated using Google Street view images and assigning a category to every pixel. Categories include vegetation, cars, pedestrians, buildings, and sky.

There is a greater need of action not just at the mass level but at the level of individuals as well. There are many ways in which difference can be made, and earth can be made greener for the greater good.

Here some ways to help Increase Greenery

Roof Gardens
These are small in nature but it is an efficient and effective use of a small space that is available.  And also provides a chance to have organic food of your own.

There is a need to create awareness amongst masses on various issues that are related with the environment.

There should be stringent checks of construction methods. There is also a need to bar construction in areas crucial for the eco system.

Tree Plantation
Everyone should try to plant at least one tree. It is the easiest and the best way to help make the earth green.


There is a grave need to understand the importance of the situation and it can, in no way, be taken lightly any more. Nature seem to enhance the well-being of people, and also improves the health of the neighborhoods and cities they live in. Greener neighborhoods have lower crime rates and they are more resilient to flooding. Living in green areas even compensates for poor health outcomes due to economic inequality. Some estimates suggest that having 10 more trees per city block improves health in ways comparable to an increase in annual income of $20,000. Large trees and shrubs decrease air pollution, as they capture airborne particles and other harmful pollutants. There is even evidence to suggest that vegetation mitigates climate change, as well as climate variations and events.

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