Lab-Grown Meat Ban: Italy Became The First Country to do so

On one hand, there is talk of reducing carbon emissions including global warming all over the world. Rich countries are being appealed to use less meat. On the other hand, Italy’s Prime Minister Georgia Loni has banned the use of lab-grown meat. Italy has become the first country in the world to do so.
A fine up to Rs 53 lakh has also been fixed for using it. Not only this, there is planning being to seal the factory and impose restrictions on doing business.
The importance of Italy’s food tradition is being
Emphasized Francesco Lollobrigida, the head of the recently formed Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Italy, while discussing this bill, emphasized the importance of Italy’s food tradition. While the bill is being praised by animal care lobbies, it has also dealt a blow to animal welfare groups and environmentalists. Experts say that Italy will not be able to stop the sale of synthetic meat inside the European Union.
At the same time, the International Organization for Animal Protection OIPA also emphasizes on lab- made meat because it does not harm animals and also protects the environment. Dairy industry investors demand natural food.
“There’s going to be obviously a big motivation for the first facilities for cultivated meat manufacturers to go entirely renewable,” says Elliot Swartz, senior scientist at the Good Food Institute, which commissioned the life-cycle analysis and a new analysis of the predicted cost of producing cultivated meat along with the European nonprofit Gaia. The Dutch independent research firm CE Delft did both analyses.
Lab-grown meat emits 92% less carbon
The United Nations climate agency reports that the food sector could only add about one degree Celsius to global warming by 2100. Meat substitutes may provide a more agile solution. Produced meat results in 92% less carbon emissions.
World’s first plant to absorb carbon emissions from buildings
cultivated meat could help reduce the environmental impact of food overall. (The study didn’t account for another important factor: Because this method of production takes far less land than raising cattle and growing cattle feed on farms, it could also open up more room for planting trees that could absorb CO2.) And it’s possible that cultivated meat could begin to replace some conventional meat relatively soon. When the researchers looked at the potential cost of production in a large facility, they concluded that the cost could drop to $2.57 per pound in 2030, making it competitive with some conventional meat production.