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One of the biggest actresses in the 1950s, who had jewelry worth 1200 crores: Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor was one of Hollywood’s biggest actresses in the 1950s. Elizabeth won two Oscar Awards, has always been in the headlines not only for her acting but also for her personal life and her luxury life. She was the highest paid actress of Hollywood. She always used to reach late on the set and it was her hobby to tease the directors with this habit.

Elizabeth had the world’s largest private jewelry collection, which was worth about 1200 crores. She also had a perfume brand of her own, from which she earned Rs 8,000 crore.

The story of beautiful and world’s richest actress Elizabeth Taylor

Brief intro about her:

Elizabeth Taylor was born on 27 February 1932 in London. His parents had an art gallery in London. When World War II broke out in Europe, the family shifted to the US. At the behest of US Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy, he came to California, where he did his second art.

How Elizabeth came to films:

Elizabeth came to films at the behest of her mother. Elizabeth was very beautiful since childhood, often her violet blue eyes used to grab people’s attention. Mother felt that she should audition for films. When Elizabeth auditioned, she got contracts for 1941 Universal Pictures and Metro- Goldwyn- Mayer at the same time. From the age of 9, Elizabeth started earning more than her father. In such a situation, her father used to behave badly with her by getting irritated. This was revealed by Elizabeth in an interview given to Barbara Walter in 1999.

People were also unhappy with the beautiful Elizabeth’s look:

Elizabeth got small roles in many films like the film There is One Born in Every Second (1942), but then she stopped getting films. MGM studio wanted to promote him as a studio star by signing a 7- year contract with him. For this, studio stipulated that Elizabeth would have to wear braces for dental alignment, dye her hair and change the shape of her eyebrows. Elizabeth and her parents flatly denied this. Without change, in 1944, Elizabeth appeared in the film National Velvet, in which she was well received.

Childhood snatched by becoming the star:

This film made 12- year- old Elizabeth a star, but her childhood was snatched away. In an interview, she had said- “My childhood was snatched away from me after becoming the star of MGM. The studio controlled every moment of my life. After school and studio, all my time was spent learning to dance or sing”. In 1948, the studio even made dating arrangements for Elizabeth and football champion Glenn Davis.

Tycoon Howard Hughes was one of the richest producers in Hollywood wanted to marry Elizabeth:

Film tycoon Howard Hughes was one of the richest producers in Hollywood. He liked Elizabeth so much that he wanted to marry her under any circumstances. Once Howard had offered his parents millions of dollars and said that if he married Elizabeth, he would make them rich, but Elizabeth herself rejected the offer.

Elizabeth was famous for being rich, Lived a high profile lavish life:

Elizabeth was an onscreen and offscreen fashion icon. Lived a high profile lavish life, Elizabeth Taylor has always been in the limelight. She used to spend all her earnings in luxury lifestyle, expensive jewelry, designer clothes, paintings, yachts, jets.

Elizabeth’s jewelry collection:

Elizabeth’s jewelry collection included the 33.19- carat Krupp Diamond, the 69.42- carat Taylor Burton Diamond, the 50- carat La Peregrina Pearl Diamond. All these diamonds were gifted to her by husband Richard Burton. Apart from this, Elizabeth also had a large collection of personal jewelry.

Her own perfume brand:

Elizabeth Taylor was also very fond of perfume. She used to have a collection of the biggest brands in the world. This hobby inspired her to launch her own perfume brand. She collaborated with Elizabeth Arden to launch two perfumes namely Passion (1987) and White Diamond (1991). Both perfume best selling  According to biographer Sam Kashner, Elizabeth earned more from her perfume launch than from her entire acting career. According to the British newspaper The Guardian, Elizabeth earned up to $ 1 billion (Rs 8200 crore) from the perfume business

Elizabeth Taylor world’s richest actress

Elizabeth married 8 times, divorced 7 times

First marriage:

Elizabeth had always wanted to marry early. At the age of 18, she married Conrad Hilton Jr., owner of the Hilton hotel chain. In this marriage which took place on 6th May 1950, MGM studio spent money like water. A week after the wedding, Elizabeth began to regret her decision. Within days, Conrad was getting drunk and misbehaving with Elizabeth. Due to mental harassment, Elizabeth got divorced on 29 January 1951 only after 8 months of marriage.

Second marriage:

A year after the divorce, on February 21, 1952, Elizabeth remarried to actor Mitchell Wilding, 20 years her senior. From this marriage, the couple had two children, Michelle Howard and Christopher Edward. When husband Michelle’s career got ruined, it became a cause of rift in their married life. Once Elizabeth went out of the house in connection with the shooting, her husband called strippers to the house. Elizabeth divorced him as soon as the news was published in the magazine.

Third marriage:

When Elizabeth married film producer Mike Todd for the third time, she was pregnant. She gave birth to daughter Lisa Frances in 1957. Mike was known for publicity stunts. In 1957, he invited 18,000 guests to his birthday party. Elizabeth was enjoying family life with Mike when Mike died in a plane crash in 1958.

Fourth marriage:

Elizabeth was badly broken by her husband’s death. He was supported by singer Eddie Fisher in his bad times and the two became close. Eddie was already married, so the news of their affair came to the fore as a scandal. Elizabeth was tagged as a house breaker. Despite all this, both of them got married secretly on 12 May 1959.

Fifth marriage:

Fifth marriage after 10 days of divorce. In 1962, Elizabeth fell in love with co- star Richard Burton, despite being already married. When both of them were captured by paparazzi in a yacht, then they got a lot of infamy due to the scandal. This moment proved to be the turning point for paparazzi culture. The personal life of celebrities had started coming to the fore. They were the most famous couple of Hollywood. Their relationship was accused of spreading indecency, while some politicians also demanded to expel them from the country. At this time Elizabeth gets a divorce from Eddie. In 1964, just 10 days after getting the divorce, Elizabeth married Richard for the fifth time.

Sixth marriage:

After marriage, Elizabeth adopted Lisa Todd and Maria McQueen. Elizabeth divorced Richard after 10 years. After this divorce, she also regretted it a lot and a year later in 1975, she married Richard again. However, the second marriage broke up within a year.

Seventh marriage:

In 1976, Elizabeth married US Secretary of State John Warner. After a few months of marriage, Elizabeth stopped working in films and started promoting her husband’s party. After some time, he started regretting this marriage. Elizabeth could not tolerate being labeled as a politician’s wife. As a result, he broke this marriage in 1981 after becoming addicted to alcohol, gaining weight and going into depression.

Eighth marriage:

Elizabeth in 1991 after having relationships and engagements with several actors Taylor married Larry, a humble construction worker, at the age of 69 Married. Both were married at Michael Jackson’s house. After 5 years, Elizabeth also divorced.

Elizabeth may have lived a life of luxury, but diseases and hospitals did not leave her behind. In 1944, during the shooting of the film National Velvet, his back was broken. This problem was not caught by anyone for many years, due to which the problem increased further.

Due to this, there was unbearable pain in his back. In 1956, his spinal disc was removed and donated bones were implanted. While fighting the disease, she started drinking heavy painkillers and excessive alcohol.

Richard Burton, the fifth husband, died in 1984. Of all her husbands, Elizabeth loved Richard the most, due to which she went into depression. Her condition started deteriorating due to drinking. One day in 1999, Elizabeth’s last husband and construction worker Larry underwent surgery after falling from a balcony while working, and Elizabeth herself took responsibility for his expenses.

Elizabeth was a chain smoker until she was diagnosed with pneumonia in 1990. Only after this her condition started deteriorating in such a way that she was rarely seen in public events. She had two hip replacement surgeries. And also had brain tumor surgery in 1997. She was treated for skin cancer in 2002.

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Elizabeth Taylor’s Strange last wishes:

In 2011, Elizabeth was hospitalized for 6 weeks. After treatment, she died on 23 March 2011 at the age of 79. She was cremated the day after her death. According to Elizabeth’s wishes, her funeral began 15 minutes late. Elizabeth was a very dramatic type of woman, who did not take time seriously while living a luxury life. She often used to reach late on the sets of her films where everyone had to wait for her. Following this, Elizabeth reached late at her funeral as well. According to her representative, she wanted to be late for her funeral as well.

Where did Elizabeth Taylor’s property go?

property left to the last husband

The last call Elizabeth made before her death was to her last husband, construction worker Larry Fortensky. Immediately after the call, she was admitted to the hospital, from where she never returned. Both had divorced 15 years ago, but Elizabeth had left $ 8 million (about 7 crores) in her will for Larry.

Jewelry collection auctioned for 1200 crores

After the death, Elizabeth’s jewelry collection was auctioned, which was sold for Rs 1200 crores. This huge amount was donated to the AIDS Foundation. At the same time, their designer clothes and accessories were sold for Rs 45 crore.




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