India’s 12,000 government websites targeted by hackers: Hacktivist Indonesia group claims

12 thousand government websites of India are on the target of a hacker group. A group named ‘Hacktivist Indonesia’ has claimed to have released a list of Indian government websites on which it can carry out cyber attack in the coming days.
The Cybercrime Coordination Center of the India’s Ministry of Home Affairs released a report on cyber security on Thursday (April 13). In this report, the ministry issued an alert and saying, ‘It is seen that the state and central government have been targeted.
The alert has been circulated to all agencies, central and state government wings. Although the websites of the Government of India are ‘update’ and ‘capable’.
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Cyber Threat Intelligence Wing had received input
According to the report, Cyber Threat Intelligence Wing received input group named ‘Hacktivist Indonesia’ is going to cyber attack Indian websites. And inputs were first shared with the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, a nodal agency working under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. This team had asked to share information about the possible threat with the nodal cybercrime units in the states.
State and government sites were targeted
State and government sites were targeted in an alert issued by Indonesian hacktivist groups for Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.
Through DDoS attack, a large amount of data is sent to any computer through many different personal computers. It has been said in this alert that a list of government websites has been issued in this group, which is being claimed to be targeted. This includes the list of states and central government websites.
Government employees should be careful about following things
Government employees have been instructed not to become victims of any kind of social engineering. Also avoid clicking on any kind of unknown emails or links, so that the security of the websites is compromised by any such attacks.
What are the guidelines of the government
Recently, the third guideline (GIGW 310) was issued to manage all these government websites. In this, the officials were told how to maintain and manage these government websites in a secure manner. Keep these things in mind while using the portal and mobile application as well.
Developers were also instructed to encrypt passwords, update software and plugins, take care of connection steering, tokens, etc. Apart from this, the cookies of the website also need to be secured.
Group can do cyber attack on many countries
Report pointed it is not necessary that the ‘Hacktivist Indonesia’ group is related to Indonesia. It could be Malaysia or one of the groups from various Islamic countries. As people with similar mindset are using cyberspace trying to attack. An open source says that the hacktivist group may also attack China,
Ukraine and many other countries.
AIIMS system was also attacked last year (All India Institute of Medical Sciences)
Last year also the system of Delhi’s All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) was also attacked by ransomware, after which there was a problem in accessing the central records. Apart from this, the services of many hospitals were also affected. In total, 19 ransomware attacks were carried out on several government institutions in India in 2022. This is almost three times more number than in 2021. Last year, the hacking group targeted Indian government websites. This target was done at a time when political upheaval was going on in the country.